This episode marks the end of season 1! Merijn and I take a look back at our favorite parts of season 1 – and we preview what is to come in season 2. Be sure to send us your comments, questions and ideas! Instagram: @thedutchguideTwitter: @dutchguidepod
On today’s show we dive into the incredible Dutch cycling culture. We look at everything from the history of the bike, to the way the Dutch have facilitated biking through daring infrastructure. To sort it all out, I talk with Chris and Melissa Bruntlett. They are cycling experts who moved to the Netherlands from Canada […]
Ep. 8 – There is no shame in fat
Fat – it’s the age-old ‘hot’ topic, but it’s a sensitive one too. Why? Because there are still incredible stigmas around being overweight and obese and it’s about time that we deal with it. Fat is not only vital for our evolutionary existence, when it’s in balance it contributes to a health daily life. But […]
In this episode we look at overweight and obesity in the Netherlands with Dr. Karen Freijer. Just how skinny are the Dutch? What are the health ramifications of overweight and obesity? And why did this all become even more important with the coronavirus pandemic? Karen takes us through it all – including why we need […]
Ep. 6 How the Dutch Ditch Choice Stress
We make on average 35,000 choices per day! The majority are subconscious, but what about the rest? Choice stress refers to the fatigue we feel when we have too many options to choose from – and even too many choices to make. But the Dutch might just have a solution. I talked to three experts […]
In part two of the work/life balance theme we look at the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on work and life. Does working from home affect introverts and extroverts differently? Should we try to keep barriers between work and life? And – how two freelancers used the coronavirus to finally try a shorter work week. […]
In this two-part episode we look at the controversial and highly-anticipated topic of work/life balance. The Dutch have the highest percent of part-time workers in the world! And according to the OECD, they have the best work/life balance, which correlates significantly with both mental and physical health. But it’s not all rosy. There are still […]
On this mini-episode Merijn and I explain the Dutch tradition of Sinterklaas. Don’t be confused, it’s not Santa Claus, but rather another St. Nick figure that comes to the Netherlands to distribute presents. Except he stays for three weeks, rides on a white horse and puts presents in children’s shoes. Listen to learn more about […]
In today’s episode we take a look at the Dutch healthcare system. The system has been touted as one of the best in the world and the Dutch have the lowest ‘unmet healthcare needs’ in Europe. So, why is it so good? And how do they manage to only pay 100 euros per month in […]
Episode 2: The rise of the Potato
In this second episode, we dig deeper into the Dutch diet. How did it develop? What were the major influences along the way? And what was the role of the infamous potato – a single ingredient that led to the majority of traditional Dutch dishes. We hear from cultural historian Jon Verriet, American immigrant Jonathan […]